I'm Back!!

Japan was extremely fun but all the full days and barely being able to communicate started to get to me. I got home Monday evening after 25 hours of travel and a 10 hour flight and then I fell asleep for 16 hours. I am still very jet legged and my muscles hurt from the inactivity on the flight, but I am happy to be home again. 

I went to my first class back today and before the class I was extremely tired but the class weirdly made me more awake. Although my muscles started to give out when we were practicing broad sword.

I'm glad to be back in Canada again!

4,430 Push Ups 
5,750 Sit Ups
531         Ks
655         Hand Form
711         Weapon
455         Sparring 
1,349 Japanese 
8,515 Reading

My favorite word this week:

Cataclysmic: relating to or denoting a violent natural event.


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