Reaching Goals

I finished one of my personal requirements faster than I expected to. Yay! My goal was to read for 3500 miniuts, and I and at 3915 minuits. This requierment was ment to help me with my reading and writing skills aswell as expanding my vocabulary. I am really proud of my self because before this year I barley read, I think I read one book that wasn't for school last year. I thought it would be hard because I did not enjoy reading in my free time. So at the start of the year I was forcing myself to read and now I really enjoy reading. I have expanded my requierment to 7000 minuites. 2,835 Push Ups 3,610 Sit Ups 233 Ks 373 Hand Form 358 Weapon 250 Sparring Two word I learned this week as a celebration: Vigilante : a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate. Loquacious : tending to talk a great deal; talkative.


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