Good and Bad

One Good and One Bad thing about myself. It is very hard to think of my good qualities because I don't want to be arrogant. I do think I am smart - I say that because I do good at school. I work hard to understand. Pushing myself even when I dont want to. Trying to do my best. If I do not understand something I practice and ask for help. I don't think I am kind. I feel like I am sometimes, but when I'm not constently thinking about it I'm not. I'm mean even when I have the option to be nice. I think I need to focus more and be conscious about being nice. I know I can be. But a lot of the time I am not. 850 Push Ups 1,050 Sit Ups 93 Ks 164 Hand Form 60 Weapon 9 parring Favorite word I learned this week: Apoplectic : Overcome with anger; extremely indignant


  1. I think you are very kind. Especially to me.

  2. Kindness comes easier when I remember how being unkind makes me feel. *virtual kindness hugs!*

  3. There’s a quote I really like, but can never fully recite accurately that kinda goes like this: “kind is not something you are, it’s something do, there is no such thing as a kind person, only kind actions” always makes me think!


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