
Showing posts from March, 2024
I didn't have that good of a week this week. The last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed and go to kung fu. But I did, and every time I left I felt better then when I got there. I wasn't 100% there all the time but at least I went. 2,045 Push Ups 2,340 Sit Ups 149 Ks 259 Hand Form 225 Weapon 90 Sparring Favorite word I learned this week: Astute : Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage.

First step

We have presented the beta form. I didn't feel scared or nevous. I was excited to show you all the forms I have been working on. I think this is because I have become more comfortable with the team compared to last year and I have a lot more experience "presenting" my kung fu. I'm proud of the progress I have had so far and I'm excited to polish it up even more. 1,470 Push Ups 1,710 Sit Ups 127 Ks 214 Hand Form 170 Weapon 40 Sparring Favorite word I learned this week: Occlude : Hide or obscure from prominence or view.


Every time I think about all the things I have to do for my grading year, I start thinking of all the things I still need to do and the time is just running out. It's particualary hard to think of my 5 techniques. When I see a punch coming I freeze (I know this is really bad), so every time I try to protect myself I just get really overwhelmed and go down a rabbit hole. I would keep telling myself "if every thing keeps going at this pace I am going to get no where." So every time I try to practice my 5 techniques I end up having a break down. When people try to help me I end up hurting them when I don't mean to and that just makes me spiral even more. I am so grateful for the people that stayed with me and helped me and pushed me even when I told them to go away. At this point I have 2 techniques 1,380 Push Ups 1,610 Sit Ups 109 Ks 194 Hand Form 150 Weapon 20 Sparring Favorite word I learned this week: Trepidation : A feeling of fear or agitation about somethin...

Why Am I Here?

Why am I here? I don't really know how to answer that. I here because every day I get up and decided that I should be. I'm here because of the people around me that encourage me to keep being the best version of myself, and the best version of myself is kung fu. I here because I see what I'm geting out of it. I push myself WAY out of my comfort zone. I am forced to look at things just a bit deeper then I would have. I am here because this is where I am meant to be. 1,360 Push Ups 1,130 Sit Ups 105 Ks 204 Hand Form 130 Weapon 20 Sparring Favorite word I learned this week: Gruntled : Pleased, satisfied, and contented

Good and Bad

One Good and One Bad thing about myself. It is very hard to think of my good qualities because I don't want to be arrogant. I do think I am smart - I say that because I do good at school. I work hard to understand. Pushing myself even when I dont want to. Trying to do my best. If I do not understand something I practice and ask for help. I don't think I am kind. I feel like I am sometimes, but when I'm not constently thinking about it I'm not. I'm mean even when I have the option to be nice. I think I need to focus more and be conscious about being nice. I know I can be. But a lot of the time I am not. 850 Push Ups 1,050 Sit Ups 93 Ks 164 Hand Form 60 Weapon 9 parring Favorite word I learned this week: Apoplectic : Overcome with anger; extremely indignant