
Showing posts from July, 2024

I'm Back!!

Japan was extremely fun but all the full days and barely being able to communicate started to get to me. I got home Monday evening after 25 hours of travel and a 10 hour flight and then I fell asleep for 16 hours. I am still very jet legged and my muscles hurt from the inactivity on the flight, but I am happy to be home again.  I went to my first class back today and before the class I was extremely tired but the class weirdly made me more awake. Although my muscles started to give out when we were practicing broad sword. I'm glad to be back in Canada again! 4,430 Push Ups  5,750 Sit Ups 531           Ks 655           Hand Form 711           Weapon 455           Sparring  1,349 Japanese  8,515 Reading My favorite word this week: Cataclysmic:  relating to or denoting a violent natural event.

In Japan

This is a blog that I wrote when I was in Japan because I was unable to post anything.  I have been in Japan for a week and it has been hard to find time and space to do my Kung Fu. I don't have a lot of space at my host family's house as it is a small room and I don't want to disturb them by making a lot of noise. Especially since the only time I have free time is in the early morning and late evenings. Because of that I have not been able to my forms as much.  I am having a lot of fun here and I am glad I was given this opportunity, it has really expanded my view of the world. 4,430 Push Ups  5,750 Sit Ups  531           Ks  655           Hand Form  711      Weapon  455      Sparring  1,349 Japanese  8,515 Reading Favorite word from that week: Prerogative: a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class.


 For the next two weeks I will be in Japan through an exchange. I am very excited to experience the new culture.  But I am also worried how this will effect my engagement and numbers. I wont be able to communicate much or go to any classes because of the time change. I will miss seeing everyone as much. 4,280 Push Ups  5,550 Sit Ups  425      Ks  640      Hand Form  701      Weapon  415           Sparring  934      Japanese  8,395 Reading Favorite word this week: Elusi ve: D ifficult to find, catch, or achieve.

Canada Day

The Canada day demo and lion dance went well in my opinion. I had a lot of fun with the lion dance and it felt like it flowed well. I blanked on my weapon form a bit which is upsetting but I still think it went well. My mind was not in the right place because I was worried about having enough time to get back into costume.  Every time we spend time as a team I feel so much more connected with everyone. I had a lot of fun on the team train ride! 4,200 Push Ups  5,030 Sit Ups  404      Ks  605           Hand Form  671           Weapon  385      Sparring  906      Japanese  7,975 Reading Fav orite word this week: Invigorated: G ive strength or energy to.