
Showing posts from May, 2024

Tiger Challenge

The last thing I want to do right now is blog but I feel like I should before my brain blocks today off completely. Today was a long day, but I felt like I didn't get to take a minute to breath and take in my surroundings.  I did WAY better then I expected in the forms division. I feel like I don't deserve it but I'm still proud of it.  My favorite part of today was communicating with everyone, I love the sense of family there is at the kwoon especially at events like this. Everyone is taking care of each other, and is happy for other peoples accomplishments.  I went home half way through the black belts, had a little bit of a breakdown, I was just very tired and hungry and there was a lot going on with my friends. Then I came back and watched the end of the competition. I'm very happy I came back because it was a great end to the day.  3,485 Push Ups 4,300 Sit Ups 315     Ks 503           Hand Form 516   ...

Tiger Challenge Preparation

As the tiger challenge gets closer I am practicing more and more in preparation. I have only now realized how much of a tool it actually is. I have been in almost all of the tiger challenges in my kung fu life time. I have always though about it as something you do, just the one day. the last couple of years I have started practicing in advance but I wasn't doing it for me but instead the people around me. The last couple of weeks I have though a lot about what the tiger challenge is, and what I want to get out of it. I don't think its something that you need to be stressed about. its a tool to have something to work to when we start to have the slope in our productivity. As long as there is progress I will be happy because this is not the end. The end is not when I get my black belt. They are goals to push me forward. there is no end. If you thing you have reached the end you have only hit the bottom. 3,260 Push Ups 4,080 Sit Ups 293      Ks 463    ...

Open Training

 I had a very productive open training today. I had a list of things I wanted to do and I knew the direction I wanted to go in.  I worked on my board braking for the tiger challenge and made a lot of progress with it. Then I worked on my weapon form, I'm starting to feel a lot more intune with my Katana. I feel like with most open trainings there is so much I put on my plate. I go a bit haywire and end up not getting a lot done. Trying to fill the time, not use the time I have.  Today I focused my attention on the board breaking (because I have been avoiding it) and if I started to lose focus I would do a few reps of my form to bring my focus back.  Overall I got a lot out of my day so far and I'm really happy with it. 3,260 Push Ups 4,080 Sit Ups 293      Ks 463           Hand Form 468            Weapon 320      Sparring 633         ...

Where Am I?

We are a bit more than one forth of the year done. I am not where I hoped but I have still made progress. 3,075 Push Ups  3,920 Sit Ups  275 Ks  423 Hand Form  413 Weapon 300 Sparring  606 Japanese  4,475 Reading   Interlude : an intervening period of time.